Watch and hear how people shop to know your category better than anyone else
It used to be, but we're making real insights affordable for every seller. With no upcharges for advanced targeting, we're 3-4x less expensive than others. Imagine knowing exactly which main image drives clicks or easily uncovering shopper objections to increase conversions.
You'll get actional feedback in minutes with our proprietary process of connecting you with hundreds of thousands of Amazon shoppers worldwide.
You'll have access to 215+ traits, free surveys for your existing audience or create a completely custom audience too. Even imperfect matches with hundreds of real shoppers beats guessing every time.
And you should use Manage Your Experiments. But, results take weeks, so make sure you're putting your best option forward by sanity testing with real shoppers first. Don't risk loosing real revenue on a bad test.
You'll get 6% more sales on average with just your first few tests. That's an extra $1400 a year in sales if your product is doing $2000 a month.